

Satire is a literary term used to ridicule or make fun of human vice or weakness, often with the intent of correcting, or changing, the subject of the satiric attack. Satire arouses laughter or scorn as a means of ridicule and derision, with the intention of correcting human faults. Some examples of satire are shows like Simpsons or Family guy. Satire always finds statements or political views to bring humor to.

Satire is used in Taylor Mali's "The impotence of proofreading" to expose all of the spelling errors and showing the reliance of spell checker. The title is ironic using the word "impotence" instead of importance which are direct opposites.

This is the correct paragraph of his first paragraph "The impotence of proofreading" Has this ever happened to you? You work very hard on a paper for English class And then get a very low grade (like a D or even a D-) and all because you are the worlds worst speller. Proofreading your papers is a matter of the the utmost importance.

The article Allen Iverson "You Hear That, Everybody? We're Coming Back! All Of Us!" satire comes from Alen Iverson repeatedly stating that he is in the NBA when he currently isn't. He continues to repeat "us the NBA players do not deserve the lockout"

There are six items that Mark Twain provides in the article "Advice to Youth". They are to Always obey your parents, when they are present, Be respectful to your superiors, if you have any, also to strangers, and sometimes to others, Go to bed early, get up early, To be very careful about lying and never handle firearms carelessly. Satire is brought to light by showing peoples common mistakes. The "youth" usually don't take adult advice from elders. Mark Twain states that obeying is the best policy because since most parents think they know better. To avoid violence Mark Twain instructs the youth to not play with armed weapons. Lying is bad because then you wont be trusted. Mark Twain said "Once caught, you can never again be in the eyes to the good and the pure, what you were before." Lying clouds ones judgement of that individual. Lying can also be a great art because it also carries benefits.when lying Mark Twain says "You want to be very careful about lying; otherwise you are nearly sure to get caught. Once caught, you can never again be in the eyes to the good and the pure, what you were before." The anecdote about firearms was not funny because the young grandson had only supposed theshotgun was not loaded, he did not check. According to Twain youth shouldn't handle firearms because they are sometimes careless and unaware. When reading youth must select their books wisely. The result of building ones character is to see how sharply it resembles everybody else’s. A good example of satire in this article would be that youth dont take advice.

The satire in The Story Teller "(saki)" by H.H Munro is that the children were attracted to the inappropriate story. The whole purpose was to keep the children occupied for the remainder of the bachelors ride.

© Matthew Vargas 2011