ironyIrony is the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. Irony exists everywhere in life. Irony is used in ads and other forms of entertainment and media use. Irony in media is used for "catchy" purposes to attract the public eye. "Richard Cory" is a poem written by Edwin Arlington Robinson. Richard Cory was a well dressed, sharp dressed gentleman as said. People would watch him walk down the street. Some facts told in this story are that Richard Cory was "clean favored, and imperially slim" which was stated in the fourth line. The last line is such a surprise because I wouldn't think that someone described as perfect would take his own life. The poem shocked me because I wasn't expecting Richard Cory to kill himself. The towns people envied him probably due to jealousy. The poem is different than a news paper article because it rhymes and has stanzas. The tone of the poem is calm and easy going. Irony is created in this situation because Richard Cory is a person who other people admired and possibly wanted to be and then he takes his own life. The poem is told from a narrators point of view. I read the story "Lamb to Slaughter" by Roald Dahl. The irony in this story is that the murderer is the wife and the frozen lamb used as the weapon was eaten by the officers. Mrs. Maloney was in love with her husband but when she was told bad new by him she did not take it kindly. He must have wanted to leave her but she did not want that so with no hesitation she put the frozen leg of lamb high in the air and with all force she brought it down to the back of his head. In the article "The House That Slaves Built" irony comes from the fact that African American slaves built the white house and now there is an African American President. In the article "Is Is Ironic That So Many People Don't Understand Irony" it discuss how it is common to not understand irony. Many definitions of types of irony are explained. An example would be a simple way of putting it is that irony usually signals a difference between the appearance of things and reality. For instance, here is how Wikipedia defines it: "Ironic statements (verbal irony) often convey a meaning exactly opposite from their literal meaning. In ironic situations (situational irony), actions often have an effect exactly opposite from what is intended." In the article "Is it ironic that so many don't understand irony?" it tells the story of ones co-worker and her assessment of irony. I do not agree with her assessment. I don't agree because she uses it out of context. she misunderstood the meaning of irony. She is a well educated woman, this shows irony can be easily missed. This cartoon I don't share my toilet water" contains irony. The irony in this is that the dog is drinking toilet water while telling the other dog not to drink it. The lyrics of Alanis Morissette's "Ironic" explain ironic situations. For example "It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife". The video Irony Movie" the parents seem to be more active and social than the daughter. I believe irony is using language to relate to the opposite. Irony is like the opposite of the literal meaning. Irony occurs in situations without realizing what you have said. In this essay i have seen many different occasions where irony takes place. A personal experience that i have experienced with irony was when i had a bottle of water and wasn't thirsty but when i was thirsty i lost my bottle.