

A metaphor is the comparison of two unlike things. An example of a metaphor would be describing a quiet person to a mouse because they are not talking. Metaphors can be described as figure of speech in which a thing is referred to as being something that it resembles. Some examples are simile, personification, anthropomorphism, hyperbole, parable, fable, animism and analogy. A simile compares two unlike things using like or as. An example of an simile would be "you are as quiet as a mouse". That would be saying that he is uncommunicative. Personification gives human qualities to animals or objects. An example of a personification would be "the trees danced back and forth in the wind".The wind is pushing the trees giving more of the illusion that they ares dancing which are human qualities. Anthropomorphism is the act of attributing human forms or qualities to an entities which are not human. This would be describing a "god" like Jesus or Zeus with man like features. An example of anthropomorphism is the describing of gods or goddesses in human forms and possessing human characteristics such as jealousy, hatred, or love. Hyperbole is when an exaggeration or overstatement is used. An example of hyperbole would be "He's as big as a house". This shows that the person being described is very large. A parable is a short tale that illustrates universal truth, one of the simplest of narratives. Parables generally use human characters. An example of a parable would be the parables of Jesus. A fable is a succinct fictional story, in prose or verse, that features animals,mythical creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature which are anthropomorphized (given human qualities) and that illustrates a moral lesson or moral. An example of a fable would be forms of folk literature like "cat in the hat". The story gives the animal characteristics that are fiction for a cat. Analogy is the comparison of two pairs which have the same relationship. The key is to ascertain the relationship between the first so we can choose the correct second pair. An example would be hot is to cold as cold is to ice, the relationship between opposites.

In the poem "CREATIVITY" personification is used to describes a moving branch to be dancing. In the poem "PEACE" personification is also showed. The snow is a "roaring, smashing monster of destruction". This means that the snowy weather is so strong its destroying its surroundings.

In the "ELEPHANT" an elephant is being described by simile. Blind men are describing the elephants features. For example the elephant's tail is said to feel like a disconnected phone line.

One poem from the personification poems is called "diner time chorus". Personification is used throughout the poem. One example is the first line where the "The teapot sang as the water boiled"

In the fable The Hares and the Frogs it shows animals having a moral to the story. It showed rabbits being scared and instead of living in a state of fear they would rather drown themselves.

In Emily Dickinson's poems she uses many types of metaphors. One poem where she uses metaphors is a poem called "wind" . In the poem she said the wind tapped like a tired man. This is an example of a type of metaphor called personification because it gives human qualities to a inanimate object, but this line is a simile because it uses "like" to describe. Another poem where she uses metaphor is "the mountain" and personification where human qualities are given to the mountain.

In the metaphor for the poem "LONELINESS" (a leaf falls) its is comparing being lonely to a single falling leaf. This metaphor is comparing two unlike things.

Metaphors are used daily. Metaphors work in my life because I constantly hear things being compared which are unlike or give qualities to another person or object. My life metaphor would be life is like a building. We start with a solid foundation, then adding floors and rooms.

© Matthew Vargas 2011